Marhum murtaza noormohamed nasser water well

Dear Family and friends,

It has been a year since Papa (Marhum Murtaza Noormohamed Nasser) left this temporal world to return to his Lord.

Papa in his own unique and special way touched the lives of many. In his memory, we would like to commission some water wells as a sadaqah jariyah.

If you would like to contribute towards these water wells in Africa to supply clean and fresh water to schools, hospitals and mosques, please donate via the link below.


Both USD and GBP bank details below -


Bank Of Scotland

Sort Code - 80-02-34

Account Number - 06001951


Bank Of Scotland

Sort Code - 80-02-34

Account Number - 12156369

Swift - BOFSGB21222

IBAN - GB33 BOFS 8002 3412 1563 69

Please quote in the reference: Monty Well

Please remember Papa and all marhumeen with Al Fatiha.

Thank you

Your support makes our work possible


 A huge thank you to all our supporters and donors! Every donation goes a long way in preserving life and providing aid to those desperately in need.