Water wells - An update

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Lack of access to safe and clean drinking water is the number one crisis worldwide.

At least 1 billion people all over the world lack safe drinking water, more than 80% of whom live in rural areas.

At Beta Charitable Trust we believe that safe and clean water should be a right for every human being.

We are delighted to let you know that to date, BCT have completed 282 wells, providing vital water supplies to the driest parts of India, Kenya, Pakistan and Tanzania.

Pictures below show a well located at a school in Tanzania, which is now providing clean and safe water to over 600 students!

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The picture below shows our solar powered pump in Arusha, which serves 3 villages with over 15,000 litres of water.

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We are hugely grateful to our partners on the ground for their hard work in continuing to provide water facilities throughout the pandemic.

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Our water well projects continue with our partners, CHEPs. We are working alongside them with commitment to dig an additional 20 wells in the Tana River Region.  Tana River is located on the remote Kenyan coast, where communities live in deplorable conditions, severely lacking access to the basic need of food and water.

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 BCT are working towards donating $36,000 to this extremely worthy project. Keep an eye out for more updates!


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